Early View
Online Version of Record before inclusion in an issue
- A New Evaluation Method for Eye-Head Coordination: Usefulness of Coefficient of the Sharing Ratio Based on Pursuit Task's Sharing Ratio
- Yuna Akitaya, Toshio Ohyanagi, Yasuhito Sengoku
- Relationship between Muscle Oxygen Dynamics in the Tibialis Anterior Muscle and Tapping Intervals during the Preparatory, Execution, and Recovery Phases of Foot-Tapping
- Katsuyuki Kubo, Yasuhito Sengoku
- Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of a Japanese Road Sign Recognition Task
- Tsutomu Sasaki, Kyohei Yamada, Tomoki Ikeda, Hatsune Obuchi, Tomoaki Yamada
- Validity and Reliability Study of a Line Bisection Task on Tablet Personal Computer
- Hisaaki Ota, Hirofumi Sanada, Toshiki Takeuchi, Megumi Takezawa, Hidekazu Saito, Shunpei Katsuura, Akihiro Iida
- Experience of Living Space for Older Adults with Disabilities During the Transition from Hospital to Home-Based Care
- Tomoyuki Ota, Kazuyuki Takeda, Hiroaki Enoki, Mime Hashimoto