Asian Journal of Occupational Therapy

JAPAN search

Author's Guideline

All manuscripts must be unreleased without being duplicate submission or previously published paper. All manuscript (including the copyright transfer form) must be submitted to the Editorial Board in a Microsoft Word Format file (MS Word file) through website.
Please attach one figure (or one table) per file, which means that you must upload four MS Word files in the case that you have four charts in total. Submitted manuscripts will not be returned to the authors.

Please submit the manuscript online through the website below;

If you have any questions, please contact us at;
Article Types
The manuscripts include Original Articles, Reviews, Rapid Communications, Case Reports, Miscellaneous, which are important to the occupational therapy profession for their originality, timeliness, effectiveness and readability.

Original Articles

Original Article contains the original clinical or laboratory research. The body of original articles needs to be in the general format consisting of: Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials/Subjects, Methods, Results and Discussion. Authors need to make articles clear and concise and avoid non-standard abbreviations. Please provide abstract in 200-250 words and 3-5 keywords before the body. The total length should be approximately 5,000 words in general including main body, references, tables, figures, and illustrations. One figure (or table and illustration) is calculated as 200 words.


Reviews can deal with scientific topics either clinical or laboratory. Relatively brief reviews between 2,500 to 3,000 words are particularly welcomed. Longer reviews can be accepted when they were justified by topic and comprehensiveness. It needs to have sufficient discussion supported by more than 30 references.

Rapid Communications

They should deal with scientific material which deserves a rapid publication as the top priority. They should be 2,000 words or less with a total of no more than 4 tables and figures (uncountable) and up to 15 references.

Case Reports

A case report need to describe a new disease, confirmation of a rare or new disease, a new insight into pathogenesis, etiology, diagnosis, or treatment, a new finding associated with a currently known disease. A report on special scientific investigation will be regarded as an original article even with a single case. The length should be 1,000 words or less in general with 3 tables and figures (uncountable) in total with up to 10 references. They can be exceeded only when justified by extensive special studies.


It includes the article which the editing committee judged as useful including; a committee report, news from international conference, an introduction of the association and a research institute, an introduction of new technology and new products.

Manuscript format
The manuscript needs to be set to start a new page with the beginning of each section as the followings:
  1. Structured abstract and key words
  2. Main body
  3. References
  4. Figure with caption
  5. Table with caption
  1. Structured abstract and key words: Please attach an abstract of your paper in 200-250 words which enables the readers to grasp the essence of the paper immediately. The paper must give the reader quick recap on the statement of the problem or issues, methodology, results and conclusions. Please include three to five key words after the abstract.
  2.  Main body: The main body should be divided into sections which includes sub-headings. The main text should include the followings: an introduction, material and subject, method, results, discussion, summary and conclusions. Acknowledgements must be brief and listed before the reference page. The main body must be numbered consecutively starting with the introduction. The manuscript must be written in Times New Roman with the font size of 12-points.
  3. References: Reference literature must be indicated consecutively in Arabic numerals in square brackets through the paper. In case that the same reference is cited more than once in the main body, the same number should be used for each time. Reference style should follow the "Vancouver" style. If the cited paper is written in a language other than English, please translate it into English and identify the original language in parenthesis in the end (e.g. in Japanese). 


(1)List all authors or editors. Please list six people from the top if there are more than six authors and editors and put the word “et al” in the end.

(2) The page number on the first page must be listed in full letters, but the page number on the last page can be listed in abbreviated form (e.g. 51-9). Unpublished data and personal communications should be given in round brackets in the text but not in references.
The title of Japanese journals should be listed in Japanese in Roman letters. For example, if you want to write “occupational therapy” in Japanese, please write “sagyouryouhou”. To quote a paper from a book or journal written in Japanese, the phrase ‘‘(in Japanese)’’ should be added after the title of the book or journal.

Examples of items listed:
Author. Title. Journal. Year; Volume(Issue):Pages.

[1] Radford KA, Lincoln NB. Concurrent validity of the stroke drivers screening assessment.
Arch Phys Med Rehabil. 2004;85(2):324-8.
[2] Akinwuntan AE, De Weerdt W, Feys H, Pauwels J, Baten G, Arno P, et al. Effect of simulator training on driving after stroke: a randomized controlled trial. Neurology. 2005;65(6):843-50.

Electronic publication ahead of print
[3] Ohyanagi T, Sengoku Y. A solution for measuring accurate reaction time to visual stimuli realized with a programmable microcontroller. Behav Res Methods. 2010, in press.

Journal article in Japanese
[4] Sengoku Y, Nakajima S, Nakamura Y. Effects of occupational therapy on identical twin children with hydrocephalus based on variations in static and dynamic equilibrium reaction (in Japanese). The Japanese Occupational Therapy research (sagyouryouhou). 2009;28(5):555-64.

Examples of books and other monographs
Personal author(s)、Editor(s), compiler(s)

Author. Title, Edition ed. Place Published: Publisher; Year.

[5] Kane RL, Ouslander JG, Abrass IB, Resnick B. Essentials of Clinical Geriatrics. 7th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2013.

Author, editors. Book Title, Edition ed. Place Published: Publisher; Year

[6] Cicchetti D, Cohen DJ, editors. Developmental psychopathology. New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc; 1995.

Chapter in a book
Author. Title. In: Editor, editors. Book Title, Edition ed. Place Published: Publisher; Year; Pages.

[7] Tangarorang GL, Kerins GJ, Besdine RW. Clinical Approach to the Older Patient: An Overview. In: Cassel CK, Leipzig RM, Cohen HJ, Larson EB, Meier DE, editors. Geriatric Medicine: An Evidence-based Approach, 4th ed. New York: Springer Science+Business Media; 2006; 149–62.

Japanese book

[8] Nakamura R, Saito H, Nagasaki H. Fundamental Kinesiology, 6th ed (in Japanese). Tokyo: Ishiyaku Publishers Inc; 2013.
[9] Shimomura T. Stroke. In: Eto F, Takeda K, Hara H, Bando M, Watanabe S, editors.

Rehabilitation of higher cortical dysfunction Ver.2 (in Japanese). Tokyo: Ishiyaku Publishers Inc; 2011; 95-101.

Web (literature)
Author. HP name [online]. Place [cited Access Date]. Available from: URL.

[10] Hooper JF. Psychiatry & the Law: Forensic Psychiatric Resource Page [online].
University of Alabama, Department of Psychiatry and Neurology [cited 2015 June 30]. Available from:

Web (web page, etc.)
HP name [online]. Place: Web site name [cited Access Date]. Available from: URL.

[11] The American Occupational Therapy Association, Inc [online]. Montgomery: Health & Wellness [cited 2015 June 30]. Available from:

4. Figures and Photographs: Figures and photographs of good quality should be submitted online as a separate file. Please use a lettering to make them clear and readable even after reducing the size to about 66%. An explanatory note must be provided for every figure or photograph. All the authors who wish to use illustrations which were already published must obtain the permission of the first author, publisher and/or copyright holders to give precise reference to the original work. This permission must include the right to publish in electronic media. Photographs of identifiable subjects must be attached with permission with the signature of patient or legal representative who gives permission to publish. Photographs which the faces or eyes of the subjects can be identified should cover their faces or eyes with black bars if necessary.

5. Tables: Tables should be numbered in order in Arabic numerals and must be listed in the order corresponding to the reference cited in the text. Each table must be attached with an appropriate brief explanatory note which is comprehensible enough without referring to the text. They should begin with a separate page and uploaded online. They should be kept as simple as possible and as a graphical representation. Table titles should be brief and complete. Information other than the definition of the data should be presented as footnotes.

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